
2018/10/09 新規追加





変化、あなたの気分、そして不確かさの力 01st September, 2020

あなたの気分のためのマインドセットの問題 31st August, 2020


2018/10/09 新規追加

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Today’s highlights

For the past month, we ranked nearly 1,500 Web Development articles to pick the Top 10 stories that can help…

Digital Wellbeing is a new Google initiative which aims to help people “better understand their tech usage…
Amber Case3 min read

As design thinking continues to evolve into 2018…

Not every designer is an expert in every tool.
Best in Programming

Education has changed.
Wendi LauMember only content5 min read

So I want to make my site a little bit more friendly looking, and using profile pictures seemed like a good…
Eric KhouryMember only content3 min read

Want to build an ML model but don’t have enough training data? In this post I’ll show you how to build an ML…
Sara RobinsonMember only content4 min read
Best in Artificial intelligence

Australian technology designed to avoid killing the animals arrives amid warming oceans that make human-shark…
BloombergMember only content5 min read
Best in Technology

Facebook missed serious holes in their security system. Their incompetence warrants outrage
The GuardianMember only content3 min read
Best in Data science

See how IBM Watson AI services can be used to improve Instagram and Continente Online.
João TeloMember only content7 min read

Machine Learning Models. We hear about them all the time. They look and sound awesome, but can they predict…
Editors’ picks

Nutrition pros are at an impasse over this divisive fat
Markham HeidMember only content5 min read

Which narratives require thin actors to wear fat suits—and why?
Your Fat FriendMember only content7 min read

If you knew my high school, you wouldn’t be surprised by the Kavanaugh allegations either
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Woman with VR goggle looking up

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